Click here for the concert program.
Or scan this QR code to view the program on your smartphone or tablet:
If the scan doesn’t word, tap (phone) or click (other) the code as a work-around.
You can “rewind” up to 4 hours as long as we’re streaming. This could be useful if you click in late or want to hear something a second time
How to Watch this Stream
We will go live at 6:35 pm Mountain Time Saturday night. Don’t miss the pre-concert talk at 6:40!
Cell phone viewing tips are at the bottom of this page
1) The player window above should look like this:
Click the red triangular Play button in the middle of the player.
2) You should see this if you click in before we go live:
All you need to do if you’re early is wait. OR if we’re already live, a view of the Bethany sanctuary or a graphic announcing that we will go live at 7:05, will come up. The stream will start automatically.
Viewing on a Cell Phone?
The top of the home page of our website should look which looks something like this on your phone or tablet:
Tap on the stack of 3 horizontal lines in the upper left of your screen, which will bring up the main menu. At the bottom of that menu is “Live Stream.” Tap it, then follow the instructions for viewing above.
And there you have it! Enjoy!