Our Guiding Principles
Get to know the philosophies and principles which guide our existence as a family.
Click HERE to view this newly adopted document.
Would you like to financially support the Chorale without giving us a cent? There’s a way – it’s convenient and easy, and it can supplement any donations you’ve made or plan to make through Colorado Gives Day!
Click the picture above to find out how!
Join us at 7:00 PM on May 16 and 17 for “California Dreamin”
Debi’s “Behind the Music”
Thoughtful and fascinating essays and comments about the Chorale”s concert repertoire.

Debi Simons is continuing her work, writing informative historical and literary (but definitely not boring) essays about our concert selections. Click on the banner above to visit her home page and watch an introductory video explaining what she does and how her site works.
New essays are added regularly in the weeks before each of our concert sets. If you’d like to read what she’s saying about our upcoming performances, click the button below.
M ay 2025 Concert -- California Dreamin'
Concert Videos
We have a large collection of concert and other videos prepared for your enjoyment. Click the button below.
This will take you to our YouTube channel
Colorado Gives Day allows for donations throughout the year.
Click the logo below to donate
Ticket prices for our 45th Season, 2024 – 2025
Prices are good for all four concert sets
Adult Senior Student Child
All Concerts $25 $20 $15 $0
Season $90 $75 $50 $0
(Adults – 21 – 59, Seniors – 60 and over, Student – enrolled in school, Child – 12 and under)
Group Sales
To accommodate group sales, a discount can be arranged, based on the size of the group and the group’s non-profit status or service to the community. Complementary tickets are offered to sponsors and transportation staff for them to attend. If you are coordinating a group attendance, please submit the details of your plans to info@cherrycreekchorale.org, and we will be happy to work with you to accommodate your group.
The Cherry Creek Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organiznation. Contact your tax advisor.
Please make your contributions payable to Cherry Creek Chorale,
may be mailed to P.O. Box 3272 Greenwood Village, CO 80155-3272
or visit our website to donate: www.cherrycreekchorale.org
Brian Leatherman, Artistic Director and Conductor